TrojanUV3000Plus Phased System Upgrades

Phased system upgrades are ideal for aging plants who own a Gen 2 TrojanUV3000Plus system (2007 model) that is nearing the end of its lifespan in the next 5 to 10 years. This approach offers a strategic alternative to a complete system replacement with gradual component upgrades to maintain system functionality, reduce the risk of failure and provide long-term cost savings.

Benefits of a Phased Upgrade Approach

Technological Advancement: Avoid obsolescence, unplanned downtime, and higher maintenance costs by taking advantage of the latest technologies and parts that are available now and into the future.

Modernization without Disruption: Upgrade to a modern system equivalent to the latest release of the TrojanUV3000Plus (Gen 3, 2022 model), ensuring your system remains cutting-edge and efficient without the hassle of extensive civil works.

Budget-Friendly Installation: Schedule component upgrades over time and as your budget allows to extend the lifespan of your system and maximize your investment. These small investments in your system can result in long-term cost savings.